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Bradford Enviroseal ProctorWrap RW 1500mm x 50m

SKU: 118153
$247.00 incl GST
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Bradford Enviroseal ProctorWrap RW 1500mm x 50m

Enviroseal ProctorWrap products are highly vapour permeable products that allow water vapour to pass through them, whilst preventing the entry of liquid water and dust from outside. When used in colder climates where there is more moisture inside the home than outside, they allow moisture in the air to pass through the membrane before condensing to water (condensation) safely on the outside of the building frame where it does not damage the home.

These products are recommended for use in colder climates where the risk of condensation formation increases as the temperature of the outside environment falls, while the inside of the home is heated.

Bradford Enviroseal ProctorWrap Residential Insulation (RW) – Light Duty

Bradford Enviroseal ProctorWrap RW is a light duty vapour permeable wall wrap designed for use in residential timber and steel frame wall construction. Enviroseal residential wall wrap is a durable and lightweight textile membrane with a ‘soft’ construction designed to allow moisture to escape the inside of the home.

  • A tough weather barrier
  • Minimise the risk of condensation related mould growth
  • Suitable behind both brick veneer and all lightweight clad
  • Suitable for BAL fire regions